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Tamilnadu , India

What's New
- Calculate Application Charges Click Here
- On site inspection, the Development Charges as applicable will be arrived and excess amount if any,
will be adjusted against CC Bills. - Adhaar number is mandatory in Online Application Portal for all kind of Applications (Except Temporary Supply and Group Applications) for the following tariffs Domestic/Residential(LA1A),Powerloom(LA3A2),Handloom(LA1A1) and Agriculture(LM41).
- This portal has been extended to receive the refunded amount through online after the application is cancelled.Click here to enter the account details for which the amount is to be refunded after the application is cancelled..
- This portal has been extended to change the existing tariff through online(Tariff Change).Click here to apply for Tariff change through Online .
- This portal has been extended for New Service Connection-Agriculture through online.Click here to apply New Service Connection-Agriculture through Online .
- A new provision has been extended for Name Transfer from this portal.Click here to apply Name Transfer through Online .
- This portal has been launched for applying for New Service Connection,Load Addition,Reduction through online without going to any TANGEDCO Office.