TNPDCL - Application Portal
For Power Failure Complaints - Call 9498794987 Tamilnadu , India

About us

    Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) was formed on July 1, 1957 under section 54 of the Electricity (Supply) Act 1948 in the State of
    Tamil Nadu as a vertically integrated utility responsible for power generation, transmission and distribution. The electricity network
    has since been extended to all villages and towns throughout the State.As per the provisions under the section 131 of the Electricity
    Act,2003 TNEB was restructured on 1.11.2010 into

    • TNEB Limited
    • Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited (TANTRANSCO).


    The installed capacity of conventional energy sources of TAMIL NADU POWER DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED is 18,732.78 MW
    as on 31.05.17 which includes TANGEDCO’s

    • Hydro (2307.90 MW),
    • Thermal (4320 MW),
    • Gas Stations (516.08 MW),
    • share from Central Generating Stations (CGS) (6037.50 MW),
    • Private Power Projects (PPP) (5551.30 MW).

    The installed capacity of non-conventional energy sources (infirm power) as on 31.03.2017 is 10,479.61 MW which includes

    • wind generation (7854.81 MW),
    • Solar ( 1702.40 MW )
    • Biomass (230.00 MW) and
    • Co-generation plants (692.40 MW)


    The total number of consumers being served in the State as on 31.03.17 is 279.27 Lakhs. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran
    Yojana (RGGVY) with the goal of creating electricity infrastructure to all un-electrified villages / un-electrified hamlets provide
    access to electricity to all households. Implementation of RGGVY in 26 districts of Tamil Nadu had already been completed.
    Further, implementation of the RGGVY scheme in Nilgiris, Tirunelveli and Dharmapuri districts is under progress. RAPDRP
    schemes are also being implemented to provide quality and reliable power supply to the consumers and to bring down the
    aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses (AT and C) below 15 percentage.

TNPDCL- Application Portal