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Guidelines for One Day Scheme - New Service Connection
- TANGEDCO has introduced Online application filing of ‘one day service connection scheme’ from 01-07-2017 in Tamil Nadu in respect of LT Domestic and Commercial service connections (other than special and multi-storeyed buildings) falling under mere service connection category (except hut and agriculture) through Web Portal
- Kindly go through the following procedure before filing the application..
- The applicant has to select the type of application and fill in the required details such as name, address, mobile no., e-mail id etc.. .
- The applicant has to submit the application and additional forms as the case may be as per the provisions in the TNE Distribution Code after filling up the details over web along with uploaded supporting documents..
- Applicants of the Domestic/Commercial service connections have to ensure the uploading of valid documents in complete shape before making online payments. Further, the applicant can pay the following charges at the time of registering the application itself either on online mode or through offline.
- On submitting the application, the ‘Acknowledgement cum Demand Notice for Registration Fee’ would be generated along with the ‘Application Reference Number' Web links to print the submitted application form .
- If the applicant requires the supply for construction of new building,additional construction exceeding 2000 Sq.ft,supply for lavish illumination-hoarding and advertisement boards,accept to give the Undertaking form
- For filing online Click here